High Altitude and hypoxia

Introduction As much as traveling to high altitudes brings life time experience of unique site seeing and adventures, they bring about potential health risks that can lead to a medical emergency. As the person ascends high, the body loses is capability to adapt to such extreme changes in the atmosphere. A high altitude is defined…

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Recommendations for Vaccination for Fall and Winter 2024-25 In accordance with CDC Recommendations

In 2023, people who received the updated Covid vaccine covering the new Covid-19 variant saw greater protection against illness and hospitalization than those who did not. To date, hundreds of millions of people have safely received a COVID-19 vaccine under the most intense vaccine safety monitoring in United States history. CDC recommends everyone ages 6…

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Myths about Pneumonia

Cold weather causes pneumonia Fact: Bacteria, viruses, fungus, and the inhalation of foreign substances cause pneumonia. Cold weather itself does not cause pneumonia, but respiratory infections occur more commonly during winter months.   Going outside with wet hair can lead to pneumonia Fact: Being cold or wet does not cause pneumonia. It is contracted through…

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World Lung Cancer Day, is observed annually on 1st of August. The aim of this event is to raise awareness about lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. In 2024, the emphasis is on early detection, novel therapies, and the value of preventive measures. This year’s theme, “Breathe Easy: Advancing Early Detection and…

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